Staff Security Training

Data Privacy Compliance Solution

The complete online platform for your business data privacy compliance needs

Our platform includes the following:
  1. Generate data privacy policies 
  2. Cybersecurity action plan
  3. Staff security training 
  4. Incident response

Data Compliance Training

  • Align your team with your organisation’s compliance processes
Training your staff on your business’ data handling processes is an essential part of achieving data privacy compliance.
  • Data handling & processing
  • Complying with data privacy regulations
  • Reporting a security incident
Our self-paced training courses guide your team through all aspects of data compliance and protection.

Cyber Security Training

  • Making your employees your first line of defence.
90% of all security breaches begin as a result of user error.
  • Email security courses
  • Recognising malware
  • Securing your business accounts
Our platform’s self-paced cyber security training is built right into each user’s dashboard, updating their cybersecurity score as they complete courses and take relevant actions.

Phishing Training

  • Putting our cybersecurity training to the test.
Reinforce your employee’s security training through regular phishing tests, one of the most common methods of cyber attack. Should a team member click on one of our phishing links, they’ll be notified and prompted to review the relevant training material.

Now let us get your staff trained as your business is only as secure as its employees

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