Cybersecurity solutions

Data Privacy Compliance Solution

The complete online platform for your business data privacy compliance needs

Our platform includes the following:
  1. Generate data privacy policies 
  2. Cybersecurity action plan
  3. Staff security training 
  4. Incident response

Intelligent Security Actions

Rest easy with simple, powerful business security.
  • Website monitoring
  • Vulnerability scanning
  • Breach monitoring
Our platform scans your entire business ecosystem and provides you with relevant security actions, highlighting potential vulnerabilities and guiding you through exactly how to solve them.

Business Security Score

What’s Your Company Security Score?
  • View your business’s security readiness in a glance.
Your score updates alongside your company, increasing as you and your team complete your dedicated security actions. Implementing new systems or changing websites? Our platform will scan these too, providing you with continuous security.

Phishing Tests

  • Test your company’s cybersecurity resilience

Protect your business against one of the most common forms of cyber attack.

Almost 30% of all cyber attacks begin with phishing emails. In addition to our cyber security training, your organisation will receive regular phishing tests, testing your employees’ security readiness.

Breach Monitoring

  • Quickly keep track of compromised business email addresses.
We will continuously scan the dark web to determine whether your teams’ email addresses have been flagged as part of a data breach. If a business email address has been compromised, automatic security actions will prompt the relevant users to re-secure their credentials.



Now lets deliver to you world-class cybersecurity that evolves with your business

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